
  • 音效设计师/音频工程师/音频总监/分贝块创始人

    王力 | Carl Johnson

    他在留学期间拜师于英国著名音频工程师 Kevin Paul 门下学习,其后的几年里并分别师从于格莱美多项获奖音乐制作人,混音工程师 Ken Lewis 以及六次艾美奖获奖音频设计师,奥运会音频技术总工程师 Dennis Baxter




    Kevin Paul

    At Konk, he worked alongside a bevy of successful producers and engineers such as Bob Clearmountain, Adam Mosley, Pascal Gabriel and Gil Norton, as well as bands such as The Kinks, Galliano, Terrorvision, UFO and Elastica.

    After working on archiving the Depeche Mode back catalogue in 1994, he was offered an engineering role at Mute Records’ in-house studio, which eventually lead to a position as Head Engineer, where his varied talents as a mixer, recording engineer and programmer gave him access to the entire Mute Records roster.

    Highlights included mixing Goldfrapp’s „Felt Mountain“ (Mute, 2000, gold in UK, Mercury Prize in 2001), which was included in Robert Dimery’s book „1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die“ in 2006, and ranked at No. 16 on The Times 2009 list of 100 best pop albums of the 2000’s.

    Others include David Bowie’s „Hours“ (2001 – Bowie’s 21st studio album) and Nick Cave’s „No More Shall We Part“, his 11th studio album in the same year, along with mixing for British indie labels MoWax, who were at the forefront of trip-hop and alternative rap and Cup Of Tea Records, fusing jungle to hip-hop, and jazz funk to dub.Mute’s DVD interests made him move into 5:1 Surround Productions. His initial assignments included mixing Moby’s „Hotel“, Goldfrapp’s „Black Cherry“ and many more.In 2004 Kevin went freelance and re-mixed the entire Depeche Mode and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds back catalogues for SACD/DVD.Since 2008, Kevin Paul has been in charge of mixing and remixing the exclusive performances at the coveted iTunes Festival UK and Germany events. He has mixed over 100 artists to date, including: Adele, Ed Sheeran, Alicia Keys, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, The XX, Calvin Harris, Foo Fighters, Jack White, Linkin Park, Florence & The Machine, Deadmau5, David Guetta, Jessie J., Norah Jones, Oasis, Mumford & Sons, N.E.R.D., Lykke Li, James Blunt, KT Tunstall, Hot Chip, Paul Weller and many more.

    He continues to record, engineer, produce and mix many projects in music and film, runs the mixing and surround mixing modules for the Masters Degree course at UK’s Westminster University and divides his time between London and Berlin. Recent works include the International selling new album by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and mixing the latest album of Denmark’s “Dúné” with the first single premiering at the Danish Music Awards as well as recording and mixing the latest incarnation of the iTunes Music Festival.




    Ken Lewis

    Ken Lewis is a seven-time official Grammy Nominee with credits on 50 total nominations, as well as 82 gold and platinum albums, singles, and 60 Billboard #1’s. In 2011, Lewis launched Audio School Online to bring his knowledge as a producer, mixer, and engineer to the next wave of aspiring studio rats. In 2016, Ken launched Music School Online to share his extensive experience as a studio musician and vocalist with aspiring musicians of all ages and levels.

    Also in 2002, Lewis connected with then-producer Kanye West, mostly as a studio musician and sample re-creator. In 2003, Kanye chose Ken to help make his debut album, The College Dropout, and since then Kanye has called upon Ken to work on all his subsequent albums, earning Ken around two dozen credits on Grammy Nominations with Kanye’s albums and productions. Ken’s roles varied on different songs, and included writer, producer, engineer, mixer, arranger, sample re-creator, vocalist, and musician. Ken’s favorite Kanye moment happened during the making of Watch The Throne. Lewis recalls, “I got a call at noon that Kanye needed me to arrange, record and deliver a live horn section for ‘New Day’ by 7pm that evening, and I delivered it on time. The album wrapped that day, and later that night they had a private album wrap party at Submercer, where a slightly intoxicated Kanye says to me ‘Ken you’ve got these skills that, like, nobody else has’ and my response was ‘So do You!’ That was a classic moment of pure happiness to be so acknowledged by one of the greatest."



    Dennis Baxter
    Dennis Baxter began his journey in sound with a fascination of music and how it was reproduced both live and in the studio. He learned about sound in studios and on television stages, but quickly discovered live sound for sports broadcasting and found a passion for combining his creative skills from the studio with the thrill of live production.

    Dennis Baxter has been awarded six Emmys for his work in live sports broadcasting.


  • 音乐制作人/作曲家/吉他演奏家

    吴炳辰 | EpsonWu


    当他在四川音乐学院攻读文学学士学位时,他开始了他的创作生涯。后来,他来到美国,在芝加哥哥伦比亚学院攻读屏幕音乐创作硕士、MFA课程。当他搬到洛杉矶后,他在汉斯季默工作室Remote Control Production下实习,并接受Henry Jackman的指点。


    近期正在与王宗贤合作成龙新片《急先锋》,并与Jay Vincent(杰伊·文森特)合作乐高幻影忍者第12季。



  • DJ/音乐人/声音艺术家


    Fehrplay 是一位出生于挪威的Progressive House音乐家、电子音乐制作人和 DJ,目前居住在伦敦。2009 年,22 岁的 Fehrplay 与瑞士的 Cruzaders Records 签约,并在他的第一张专辑“Wejiouna”中获得了 Axwell 和 Eric Morillo 等大牌的大力支持。

    他在 2010 年凭借原创歌曲《Meow》取得了真正的突破,被 Pete Tong 视为新的必备曲调竞争者。它在迈阿密完成了它的工作,并在当年被加冕为非官方的迈阿密国歌。2011年,他在Ministry of Sound上发行了“Ayita”这首歌,在世界各地的广播电台获得了播出时间。

    2012 年对 Fehrplay 来说是伟大的一年,因为他刚刚被 Eric Prydz 选中,成为第二位受邀加入 Pryda 家族的制片人。他在Pryda&Friends上的第一张EP将在夏天及时发行。


    乔纳斯·费尔(Jonas Fehr)从不贬低他的挪威血统,他的生活和时代并不局限于一个全球地区。这位年轻的制作人以学生身份来到曼彻斯特这个舞蹈圣地,很快就在这座城市的地下夜总会找到了冬至。在意识到教育永远无法提供乔纳斯渴望的实践经验后,音乐制作学位立即被英国俱乐部巡回赛的第一手资料所取代。这些作品将组合在一起,见证乔纳斯的突破性产品“喵喵”,这是一个相当大的里程碑,也是 Pete Tong 众多认可印章中的第一个。从各方面来看,Fehrplay 都是具有感染力的里程碑,他继续将最初获得行业认可的兴奋感融入到他的每一次音乐事业中。

    但是,尽管他在音乐上取得了所有的成功,但在Pryda Friends才华横溢的名单上占有一席之地并没有损害这位年轻的挪威人以前所未有的力量重新夺回Progressive House世界的机会。在Pryda Friends大本营中倡导同行声音的同时,他自己的声音继续保持差异化,并增加了该品牌在数字市场上的强大把握力。电影配乐和旋律沉着的混合体,他渴望以连贯的方式在俱乐部地板上唤起情感,这使得这听起来像是一个难以装箱的声音,但在千篇一律的一代中继续令人兴奋。从2012年的《Incognito》到《I Can't Stop》,《Phantom》和深沉而旋律优美的《Monte》的旅程,都让歌迷和行业品味者惊叹不已。从直言不讳的欣喜若狂到从深宅和电子音乐的剧本中删减,他迄今为止的录音室剧目具有无限的水准。

    2014年初,Fehrplay离开了Pryda阵营,追求自己的音乐愿景,他已经在美国强大的唱片公司Ultra Records和Joel Zimmerman(又名Deadmau5)的mau5trap印记上发行了广受好评的首张专辑。


    然而,他的行业桂冠尚未得到满足。期待高调的合作、进一步的北美发掘、广泛的全球狂欢以及令人振奋的进步情感的相当大的回归,这些情感最初使 Fehrplay 成为斯堪的纳维亚最炙手可热的人才之一,不仅重新夺回,而且重新定义了Progressive House的声音。

  • 声乐教育家/音乐剧演员/歌手/音乐剧产业、培训策划

    陈鹭虹 | Aveta Chen

    英国苏格兰皇家音乐学院优秀硕士研究生毕业,作为一名职业音乐剧演员曾在包括伦敦西区在内的全英国工作多年。在英期间出演包括获得 Tony 奖项的著名音乐剧《 Avenue Q 》全英首轮巡演,根据美国著名电视剧《Glee 》改编音乐剧《 Don ' t Stop believin '》的世界首演及全英巡演、参与爱丁堡国际艺术节为期数月驻场演出,出演音乐剧《 Jerry Springer The Opera 》等,均担任主角。在英期间还参与广告、微电影、迪士尼形象大使等演出工作,包括为英国 BBC 国家广播电台电视台拍摄的广告、苏格兰著名饮料 Irn Bru 及驰名酱料李锦记的系列广告短片担任主角;在迪士尼欧洲世界巡演会上扮演"花木兰"于英国白金汉宫接见来自世界各地的观众、游客,分别参与拍摄微电影《新娘的舞会》及在《城市之爱》中饰演女一号尚海迪等。



  • 配音监制/配音导演



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